Articles & Books

Simple Human Sense | 5 Proofs for a Plane Earth

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), our world is approximately made up of 71% water. Now this is something both Globe Earthers and Flat Earthers can agree on. However, there is one keen observation known as Pascal's Principle which states that the natural physics of water is to always find it's own level. So, the world is made of 71% flat, level water.

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1959 Antarctic Treaty | Flat Earth Clues

There are few places in the world where resources and land are not fought over; where blood is not shed for the sake of lordship. This has been a consistent behavior throughout mankind's documented existence, so what makes Antarctica different? What makes it “… a natural reserve, devoted to peace and science”?

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Google Earth Senior Developer Disciplined for Globe Skepticism

Back in 2017, there was an article floating around regarding Thomas Wilkinson and a tweet he posted. He was the Senior Developer for Google Earth at age 29. At the time, he had been working for Google for 7 years, managing a team of 10 engineers; overseeing tasks involving strategy and operations. His day-to-day required him to maintain the general functions of Google Earth software.

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Experts Speak-out | There is NO Curvature

Surveyors, engineers and architects are the building blocks of a modern society. We trust them to build safe buildings, bridges, roads, and the like. With that trust, I believe we can gain a lot of insight from the life experience of these members of humanity. Perhaps we can put our faith in the true experts as we explore what they have to say regarding curvature of our earth.

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EXPOSED! NASA Archive Revelations [pt. 2]

Are you curious to know what NASA's researchers really document? Do these documents match the education we've been receiving? What does this money truly buy? Here is part two of my findings. In the following paragraphs, you will find scre3enshots, quotations, and links for your own studies.

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Flat Earth | Why Does it Matter?

We have all become accustomed to a life of hardships, and yet every day we still find ourselves working, slaving, for the 'almighty dollar'. Across all continents, no matter the material, money is god. And it is clear to see that NASA agrees, with a multi-billion dollar budget from American pockets. What if I told you that this money is wasted; that NASA, and other space agencies, spend billions of humanity's dollars to simply show us cartoons? 

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