There are few places in the world where resources and land are not fought over; where blood is not shed for the sake of lordship. This has been a consistent behavior throughout mankind's documented existence, so what makes Antarctica different? What makes it “… a natural reserve, devoted to peace and science”?
In 1957-58 an expedition was held to explore the continent we know as Antarctica. The first substantial multi-nation research program was held there, established as the International Geographical Year. Nearly 30 countries participated in this endeavor, from Argentina to Yugoslavia. Described as "the most comprehensive study of the earth ever undertaken", hundreds of scientists made their way to this frosty landmass.
Of all the scientific research programs they partake in on the land of ice, the one that sticks out to me the most involves rockets and the firmament. The document states the scientists will be conducting "... rocket exploration of the upper atmosphere". In layman's terms, they were shooting rockets into the firmament in order to determine it's durability; Operation Fishbowl is a clear indicator of this, as well as this document (see page 19) from the CIA verifying that the firmament does indeed exist.
So what makes Antarctica so different? Because there is something to hide, and perhaps something to find. There could be more land beyond the ice wall. In fact, Admiral Byrd described a landmass as big as North America in this interview in 1953. He stated it is rich with resources, so why would we not know about this?
The answer, is further control. Antarctica, although described as a land of peace, is heavily guarded to even the scientists and explorers. No one can go there unless you have explicit permission from the governments. You will be threatened death if you sail or fly on your own free-will.
This topic has a lot to unpack. Check out the International Flat Earth Research Society's forum on the topic to learn more. Happy researching!
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