According to their own site, NASA had a budget of $24.4 BILLION in 2022; the amount has steadily increased since the organization's founding. This tax-dollar-funded government organization is expected to provide us with information, and they do so. Most, if not all, people have been exposed to NASA's findings, including imagery of our planet and its workings. We see these beautiful images of space and think wow! It is truly an impressive sight. However, you may find that the information that's hidden from the public is much more intriguing. Do the documents that NASA filed match the education we've been receiving? What does this money truly buy? I ask for your patience and diligence as I lay out my findings in the following paragraphs with screenshots, quotations, and links for your own studies.
"Simulation assumes a vehicle with six degrees of freedom and aerodynamic symmetry in roll and the missile position in space is computed relative to a flat nonrotating earth." (page 7, paragraph 4)
This document, published in 1961, is essentially an instruction manual for launching unguided rockets (see document here). We can all agree we would want our rocket scientists to direct accurate and precise information in this area; our safety is a concern.
"The idealizing assumptions made are the following: [...] 2) A flat, nonrotating earth (page 12, paragraph 2)
This document is, in short, a procedure for obtaining optimal rocket trajectory. This was published in 1971 (see document here). Again, we would hope for great accuracy in this procedure. And they are using the assumption that the earth is not round nor is it rotating in order to solve problems regarding trajectory errors. Very curious, wouldn't you say?
"The method is limited, however, to the application where a flat, nonrotating earth may be assumed." (informational page, item 16).
This document lays out equations to assist in aerial combat. Published in 1972, it mentions flat, nonrotating earth four separate times throughout the document. Ctrl+F and see for yourself here.
"The aircraft trajectory model employed in this study was derived based on the following assumptions: a) The earth is flat and non-rotating." (page 6, paragraph 2).
Here we have a document that shows us the scientific perspective of landing an aircraft. This document mentions our earth is flat and unmoving twice, and was published in 1978 (see document here).
"For aircraft problems, the state and measurement models together represent the kinematics of a rigid body for describing motion over a flat, nonrotating Earth." (page 5, paragraph 1).
Another document concerning flight testing, clearly describes that an aircraft flies on a stationary plane earth. This is some top-dollar information from a top-dollar budget.
All in all, these declassified documents cannot lie to us; paid actors can. The Globe can be a sore site to prod, and I have no doubts that you have doubts. In fact, what I desire is your doubt. Because doubt is what makes you engage in the pursuit of #Truth. I hope to see your views on part 2!
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