At the time of his radio interview with Rob Skiba in 2015, Sean McCrary was a Navy Missile Instructor for the Navy fleet. Sean's service prior he was a NATO Sea Sparrow Surface Missile System Operator. His passion was evident when he described the discoveries he found. During his 5 year tour, his training and equipment led him to the conclusion that the earth is a stationary plane. And he braves to the front as a voice for the #Truth. Of course, he cannot expose government secrets, but he can give us the layman's information and the flat-out truth.
Sean first begins discussing his extensive education. There was much electronic training that he and his fleet had to endure. They had to troubleshoot problems; successfully perform operations, and were given detailed schematics on how their systems worked, including the circuitry.
Target-locking Radars
Sean brings us to the attention of his fire-control radar. Sean explains that these are designed to target enemy aircrafts for combat. He continues and informs us that this radar is capable of tracking a target up to 50 nautical miles distance, and only uses a radio frequency beam that is 2 degrees in diameter.
He clarifies and begins to help us understand that these combat planes are typically flying low and level with the sea line (referred to as the deck), and the radar is mounted about the same height as you would find the sea-skimming planes. This suggests that the earth is a flat plane due to the simple fact that there would be 68 feet of curvature to account for, according to the modern science math of 8in/mile; there is no evidence that suggests he was ever needing to account for the curvature even at such a great distance of 51 miles. "That's not possible, [...] that should still be well below the curved model, and I have no problem tracking a target like that," Sean states matter-of-factly.
Sean passionately begins describing vital information regarding missile flight. "NATO Sea Sparrow's missile system works upon a semi-active doctrine," he states. This system, which was developed by 13 different countries, can be described as a passive radar detector that uses reflection technology on targets. (Wikipedia, 2023) The radio frequency beam is reflecting off the target and returns back to the transmitter. This would suggest that the concept of the "Coriolis effect" is imaginary due to the fact that it is point-to-point aiming; there is no adjustment for curvature with the missile's target technology.
"[...](The Coriolis effect) it's not something that's taught from a practical sense, [...]
long-range snipers are taught distance and windage, that's all they're taught."
Sean McCrary, 2015
long-range snipers are taught distance and windage, that's all they're taught."
Sean McCrary, 2015
"There are no signals being sent that deal with curvature trigonometry, it's based upon a planar model," Sean says with an urge in his voice as if he is desperate for someone to understand. He goes on to explain with a slight chuckle that there is a simple fact that the system uses an X and Y coordinate scheme. Sean also mentions that it is imperative to understand that the systems are calculated to account for the "pitch and rolls" of the ship. "What we use for that, to compensate for that, is this system called [...] a gyroscope, [...] so that we can maintain on the target." This suggests a flat, stationary model is used during missile launches and target tracking.
Gyroscopes & Navigation
All planes and ships are equipped with a type of equipment called a gyroscope. This device is an ancient technology, designed to maintain orientation and measure the angular velocity of the craft. In case you've never seen one, I've included an image for your reference.
"It has this [...] innate ability to counteract [...] any type of precession on it," Sean explains very carefully. What this means is that this device always seeks to maintain its level. "The equipment that's used in [...] naval warships is the exact same principle theory equipment that is used in aircrafts, to get the same result," Sean tells Rob Skiba's radio show listeners. Even on the rocky seas or the soaring skies, this device helps determine whether the craft is maintaining its own level relative to a flat, nonrotating earth, as NASA would put it. (See NASA documents here).
"Eventually your instruments would look like you're taking a total nose-dive all the time, on a globe model," Sean goes into further detail with Rob as they discuss the flight of an aircraft. So it would seem that this technology would not be possible on a globular, spinning model.
"It has a rigidity in space to maintain a flat plane, a coordinate plane to establish benchmarks, like being able to put a round on a target, if you're talking about it from a military perspective," Sean describes the role of a gyroscope, "they also use it to maintain what's called [...] True North, [...] that is what we use to primarily navigate and circumnavigate of the world." Sean goes on to express the important fact that military navigation does not rely on GPS systems, they rely on the gyroscope.
This interview is jam-packed with information and perspectives, and I hope this made you ponder a little bit. This is a confusing time we live in, but hopefully, we can all learn to trust our senses and our higher selves.
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