Simple Human Sense | 5 Proofs for a Plane Earth

Published on 6 September 2023 at 17:00

1] Water always finds it's level

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), our world is approximately made up of 71% water. Now this is something both Globe Earthers and Flat Earthers can agree on. However, there is one keen observation known as Pascal's Principle which states that the natural physics of water is to always find it's own level. So, the world is made of 71% flat, level water.

2] Of the landmasses, more than 1/3 are plains

We've discussed the water, now let us explore the lands. From the National Geographic Society, we can learn that more than 1/3 of our earth's landmasses are completely flat, unchanging terrains. That's more than 1/3 of the remaining 29% of earth's mass. So the world is made up of level water, and flat lands.

3] The sun's rays are angled

We have been taught from a young age that Mother Sun is distant, and we are circling around it. However, if the sun was truly 93 million miles away, angled rays would not be possible. We would instead see parallel rays from the sun. The laws of nature and basic trigonometry shows us that this sun in the sky is small, local, and moving around us. Our beautiful sun shows us its truth everyday. 

4] The constellations are unchanging

For millennia there has been documented evidence that the stars move around us in an unchanging motion. The constellations are used for navigation and for calendar use. This is not possible on the currently accepted heliocentric model, which states that we are constantly spiraling at ridiculous speeds throughout an expansive universe.

5] The human eye's design

Human eyes are designed to work on a horizontal plane. We come custom with our own, built-in attitude indicators. According to this study, when rotating your head, it activates the vestibulo-ocular reflex, which helps your brain to compensate for smooth eye movements, allowing your eyes to remain focused on the current object. Your eyes work in unison with your inner ear to create a gyroscope-like affect.


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