EXPOSED! NASA Archive Revelations [pt. 2]

Published on 12 June 2023 at 14:51

Are you curious to know what NASA's researchers really document? Do these documents match the education we've been receiving? What does this money truly buy? Here is part two of my findings. In the following paragraphs, you will find scre3enshots, quotations, and links for your own studies.

NASA Technical Memorandum 104330
Predicted Performance of a Thrust-Enhanced SR-71 Aircraft with an External Payload
By Timothy R. Conners

"The DPS equations of motion use four assumptions that simplify the program while maintaining its fidelity for most maneuvers and applications: point-mass modeling, nonturbulent atmosphere, zero side forces, and a nonrotating Earth." (page 8, paragraph 4)


This document, published in 1997, contains the performance notes on NASA's preliminary performance analysis of the SR-71 aircraft (see document here).

Singular Arc Time-Optimal Climb Trajectory of Aircraft in a Two-Dimensional Wind Field

By Nhan Nguyen

"In our minimum time-to-climb problem, the aircraft is modeled as a point mass and the flight trajectory is strictly confined in a vertical plane on a non-rotating, flat earth. (page 2, paragraph 4)


This document was published by NASA Ames Research Center in 2006. It goes into details of the trajectory analysis for an aircraft that is flying in a wind field.

Stability and Control Estimation Flight Test Results
for the SR-71 Aircraft With Externally Mounted Experiments

By Timothy R. Moes and Kenneth Iliff

"These equations assume a rigid vehicle and a flat, nonrotating Earth." (page 11, paragraph 1).


This document lays out equations to assist in aerial flight. Published in 2002, it mentions flat, nonrotating earth is assumed during flight.

NASA Contractor Report 186019

An Aircraft Model for the AIAA Controls Design Challenge

By Randal W. Brumbaugh

"The nonlinear equations of motion used in this model are general six-degree-of-freedom equations representing the flight dynamics of a rigid aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over a flat, nonrotating earth." (page 11, paragraph 1).


Here we have a document that shows us the scientific perspective of flight dynamics. This document was published in 1991 (see document here).

NASA Technical Paper 2768

User's Manual for LINEAR, a FORTRAN Program to Derive Linear Aircraft Models

By Eugene L. Duke, Brian P. Patterson, and Robert F. Antoniewicz

"Within the program, the nonlinear equations of motion include the 12 states representing a rigid aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over a flat, nonrotating Earth." (page 12, paragraph 3).


Another document concerning flight testing, clearly describes that an aircraft flies on a stationary plane earth. This is some top-dollar information from a top-dollar budget.

All in all, these declassified documents cannot lie to us; paid actors can. The Globe can be a sore site to prod, and I have no doubts that you have doubts. In fact, what I desire is your doubt. Because doubt is what makes you engage in the pursuit of#Truth.


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